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LOST CAT: Tortoiseshell and white cat called Duchess - Camberwell area, Southwark

Name: Duchess
Breed & Species: Domestic short-haired cat
Colour: Tortoiseshell and white
Went missing: 6 years ago
(28 September 2018 at around 19:00hrs)
Location: Blake's Road, London SE15 6LY, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 7 years old
Sex: Female
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: face mostly white, with a patch of ginger one side and tabby the other side. tail is tabby and ginger. body and legs mostly white. pale orange eyes.
Circumstances: Kitten ran out of the front door as i was opening it to go to corner shop. Dodging under parked cars and being pursued by an adult cat (her mother is in heat and i think they may be confused by the scent?) i tried to catch her as thee were so many tom cats and foxes around as usual, but couldnt get to her hiding under the car. she tried to follow me to the shop which is on a main busy road so i returned home yards away to fetch a pack of dreamies to tempt her back indoors, by the time i returned maybe 2 or 3 minutes later, she had vanished. people around at the time say they saw nothing but i dont really believe them as i know several people saw me trying to call her out from underneath the parked cars and she is highly visible being mostly white.
Other info: a very young cat/kitten only 16 weeks old.
Our ref: PR43039
Posted on: 06 October 2018
Posted by: kaypasserkaypasser
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Where Duchess went missing:

Blake's Road, London SE15 6LY, UK

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